ChangeCHANGE:  This is a word that has been headlined a great deal over these past several months, especially in the context of the recent presidential election campaigns. Ironically, in a seeming contradiction to the meaning of the word, you might say that change is a “constant” factor as we go through life. From the moment of our birth we undergo changes–physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Some of the changes are celebrated as good, healthy and desirable, such as the normal growth of a child. Taking a vacation is seen as a welcome change from our usual routine. Yet there comes a time when, as adults, we begin to see some changes that appear to us to be undesirable and fearful. An unexpected change in health, in a work situation or in personal finances can make us feel vulnerable and anxious. Change may become something dreaded.

In times like these in which we are now living, when change can have a most unwelcome meaning, we are especially comforted to know that there is One who majestically says to us:

I the Lord do not change (Malachi 3:6)

That makes all the difference in the world! Scripture also tells us that, “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). What He was for us yesterday as Counselor and Provider, He will be for us today and for each tomorrow. The sting is taken out of “change” when we know and rely upon the One “who changes not.”