A number of years ago we were talking with some friends about the never-ending work involved in keeping our yard mowed, etc. We began to laugh and try to out-do each other with creative ways to get around the yard work. Things became sillier and sillier as we talked, until one of us finally came up with the winner—we could rent a goat! This idea, of course, was eventually expanded to the suggestion that we could even start a Rent-A-Goat business, which undoubtedly would become a huge moneymaking success! Well, nothing ever became of all those creative thoughts and the conversation was forgotten until a couple of weeks ago…..

In the mail we received a Gift Catalog from World Vision, and there, on the front cover, was the photo of a smiling child holding a goat! The cover also included the message:”Share the true Spirit of Christmas with a child in need!” Inside the catalog were words explaining the benefits to a child and his family that the gift of a goat would provide. There were other possibilities listed, such as giving 2 chickens, or 5 ducks, or Bibles in a child’s own language, or emergency food, or life-saving medicines, etc.
Somehow, we just couldn’t get the picture of that goat out of our minds, and so we found ourselves compelled to take action.
So, we may never get into the Rent-A-Goat business, but it has brought us joy to GIVE a goat this Christmas—given with the prayer that it will touch a child and his family with the power of the Savior’s love. And, let us add, we pray for each of you—a blessed and joyous Christmas season!