We were recently in the Seattle/Tacoma, Washington area at the invitation of Russian/Slavic congregations who put together two services of what they called a Ron and Patricia Owens Music Celebration. Our part was to share the inspiration and Scriptures behind the choral numbers they sang. They also had us minister in song, preach, as well as direct several of the choir numbers. What a glorious experience it was. We felt as though we were back in Russia. There are many strong Russian language churches in that part of the States serving a Russian population of over 600,000.

We are now heading for the Southern Baptist Convention in Orlando, Florida, where we’ll be meeting up with Iris and Duane Blue. We have been very encouraged at the response we have been receiving from Iris: Trophy of Grace. We’ve heard from readers as far away as Warsaw, Poland. In addition to an autograph session arranged by the Publisher at the Convention, Iris will be honored by the North American Mission Board for her 30 years of ministry with the Mission Service Corps. Duane, whose bio, “Call Me Blue,” I have started to write, is also going to be recognized for his 25 years of service with NAMB. It should be an exciting time.