Patricia and I wrote a musical in 1982 entitled PAID IN FULL (Tetelestai). In addition to English, it has been sung and published in Russian and Korean, and it has been our joy to experience it in both these languages. The Russian version has been performed in Moscow theaters and we had the wonderful privilege of traveling and singing with a Korean choir from one end of South Korea to the other. What precious memories, especially at this time of the year when we remember the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord.

The musical climaxes with the following number,


Hope was gone for the followers of Jesus,
They’d forgotten the things He had said.
Nothing left now but deep grief and questions,
No one thought He would rise from the dead.
They had helplessly watched their beloved
as He hung on the cross in such pain.
Though they wanted to, no one could help Him
as the crowd laughed and mocked him to shame.

It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming…!

Satan tried at Christ’s birth, through King Herod,
to destroy Him by royal decree.
He had worked every scheme he could think of,
now at last he would claim victory.
All the demons of hell were rejoicing,
they just knew that they’d finally won,
for they now had accomplished their mission,
they’d succeeded in killing God’s Son.

It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming…

Early Sunday, the great God of Heaven
looked down at the sealed garden tomb
where His Only Begotten lay buried,
bound by death’s chains in darkness and gloom.
But–don’t despair, something’s going to happen,
Don’t give up, it’s approaching the hour
when the Father will reach down from glory
and reveal His omnipotent power!

There’s a flash, and an angel from heaven
blinds the men who stand guard at the door.
He rolls back that great tombstone in triumph,
for death’s chains hold the Savior no more!

Where oh grave, where oh grave is your victory?
Where oh death, where oh death is your sting?
He, the captive had now become Captor,
Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords, King of Kings!

It’s Sunday, our Savior is risen!
It’s the Lord’s Day, from death He’s been freed!
It’s Sunday, Hallelujah, He’s risen,
He is risen, is risen indeed!!
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, He’s risen.
He is risen, is risen, indeed!
Amen and Amen!

And so, we celebrate the resurrection of our Living Lord, remembering that,