9/11 is of course both a day of thanksgiving and sadness for us as we look back to 2001 when our nation was attacked. Patricia and I were at the IMB International Learning Center in the Richmond, VA area that day and were planning to celebrate my 65th by perhaps heading for DC, but like all of you, that day will be forever etched in our memory bank as a day of infamy. God spoke to our land, but how quickly we forget.

Patricia and I begin heading for Michigan today. On our way back (next Monday), we’ll be stopping in the St. Louis area to get in on part of the International Orality Network Convention (ION) founded and directed by Avery Willis before his home-going. Most of the major evangelical mission organizations, from Campus Crusade to Wycliffe, will be there. This vision of Avery’s has become a major player in taking the gospel to the unreached people groups of the world, 70% of whom are “oral learners.” They cannot read! You may be interested in pulling up the International Orality Network on the Internet, and when you do, your prayers for me are coveted as I attempt to write Avery’s story, a part of whose legacy is ION.

In light of the commission our Lord has given to us all, whatever our lot may be in life, may our prayer be:

Anyway, anytime, anywhere Lord,
Serving You every day is my prayer.
Take me Lord, use me Lord, for your glory,
Anyway, anytime, anywhere.