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Footprint Legacy

by Ron

The words, “carbon footprint” have become a big part of today’s conversation that addresses the emission of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. With this footprint, the smaller it is, the better. There is, however, another footprint that should be of greater concern to us Christians than the carbon ones, and that is the “spiritual footprint” […]

It’s Friday, But Sunday is Coming!

by Ron

As we prepare for our flight to Tampa tomorrow and The Easter Story program we’ll be presenting at Bayside Community Church, I want to share, as a reminder and encouragement to us all, the climax of the program that is taken from our musical, Paid in Full. “Those who were at the cross that day […]

Cheap Crosses for Sale

by Ron

A Christian businessman, upon returning from a trip to South America was asked what had impressed him the most. He said he could sum up his trip in two words…”cheap crosses.” He went on to explain that his trip had coincided with one of the main religious festivals of that country and everywhere he went […]

Psalm 19:7-14 paraphrased in rhyme

by Ron

The Law of God is perfect, by it my soul’s revived. Trustworthy are His statutes, they make the simple wise. The joy of God is in my heart, His precepts they are right. The Lord’s commands are radiant, through them my eyes have light. The Fear of God is just and pure, it shall endure […]

Have you thought about it lately…?

by Ron

Have you thought about it lately just how great God is? He’s in charge of all that’s happening, the world is His. Galaxies not yet discovered, universes not yet found, All that is or ever will be by His providence is crowned. Have you thought about it lately just how great God is? All the […]

Christmas Greeting, 2012

by Ron

Dear Friends and Family, “A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; our helper He amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing. . .” So said Martin Luther many years ago, and so say we at this Christmas time of 2012. We share a few “shapshots” for the year 2012. -Ron completed the […]

The Sovereignty of God in the Affairs of Man

by Ron

From a sermon preached by John Piper on the Sunday prior to the presidential election, reminding us of who is in charge of the affairs of man. “Let there be no man-exalting illusion as though mere human beings will be the decisive cause in any victory or loss. God alone will have the supreme role […]

A Prayer for our Nation

by Ron

Oh, Father, heal our nation. Lord, would You stay Your hand? In wrath remember mercy, please Lord, please heal our land. We know we’ve deeply grieved You, we’ve sinned and brought You shame, Oh, Father, God, forgive us, we pray in Jesus’ name. Our nation, Lord, is crumbling, it’s crumbing from within, And we have […]

God’s Infinitude

by Ron

Patricia recently shared a sobering thought with me by A. W. Tozer that she had written in her Quiet Time notes some time ago. It is taken from his book, “The Knowledge of the Holy” under the caption, “God’s Infinitude.” The days of the years of our lives are few and swifter than a weaver’s […]

Two Hills

by Ron

TWO HILLS: On a Judean hill, the sun shines. The morning breaks so still, the sun shines. Some people kneel to pray along the Temple way, while others kneel to pray- It’s such a lovely day- The sun shines. But on another hill, the SON dies. All heaven and earth stand still, the SON dies. […]