For those of us who have experienced “down days,” or longer, C. H. Spurgeon, who himself lived with physical ailments and emotional challenges, including depression, has an encouraging reminder for us.

“For my heart shall rejoice in him because we have trusted in his holy name?” (Psalm 33:31, KJV)

The root of faith produces the flower of heart joy. We may not at first rejoice, but it comes in due time. We trust the Lord when we’re down and in due season he answers our confidence that our faith turns to fruition and we again rejoice in the Lord. Doubt breeds distress, but trust breeds joy in the long run.

The assurance expressed by the Psalmist in this verse is really a promise held out in the hands of holy confidence. Oh for grace to appropriate it. If we do not rejoice at the moment, we yet shall do so, as surely as David’s God is our God.

Let us meditate on the Lord’s holy name that we may trust him the better and rejoice the more readily. He is in character holy, just, true, gracious, faithful and unchanging. Is not such a God to be trusted? He is all wise, almighty and everywhere present. Can we not cheerfully rely upon him? Yes, we shall do so at once, and do so without reserve knowing that,

Jehovah-Jireh will provide
Jehovah-Shalom will send peace
Jehovah-Tsidkeno will justify
Jehovah-Shammah will be forever near.
Jehovah-Nissi will conquer every foe

Let us meditate on his names for, “they who know thy name will trust thee; and they who trust thee will rejoice in thee.”