A Puritan’s prayer beautifully expresses the essence of God’s love.
Lord Jesus, Thou didst love me before I loved Thee.
Love brought Thee from heaven to earth,
from earth to the cross,
from the cross to the grave.

Love caused Thee to be weary, hungry, tempted,
scorned and scourged, crucified and pierced.
Love led Thee to bow Thy head in death.
My salvation is the point where perfect created love,
and the most perfect uncreated love meet together;
for Thou dost welcome me.

Help me to see Thy love everywhere,
not only in the cross but in the fellowship of believers,
and in the world around me.
When I feel the warmth of the sun,
may I praise Thee who art the Sun of Righteousness.
When I feel the tender rain,
may I think of the gospel showers that water my soul.
When I walk by the riverside
may I praise Thee for that stream that washes white my robes
that I might have the right to the tree of life.
Thy infinite love is a mystery of mysteries,
and my eternal rest lies in the eternal enjoyment of it.