Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

Easter commemorates the central event of the Christian faith. It is its centerpiece. According to the Apostle Paul, if Jesus Christ has not been resurrected from the dead then the Christian faith is worthless and futile (1 Cor. 15:14-17). And the evidence for a risen Christ? è

The CROSS is bare!
The TOMB is empty!
The THRONE is occupied!

And because of this, today, all around the world, in hundreds of languages, Christians are greeting one another with…

CHRIST is risen! He is risen indeed!
–Kristos voskres! Voistinu voskres!
–Christ est ressucite! En verite il est ressucite
–Cristo e risorto! E veramente risorto!
–Christ ist auferstanden! Wahrhaft auferstanden!
–Cristo esta resucitado! En verdad, esta resucitado!

Early Sunday, the great God of heaven
looked down at the sealed garden tomb,
Where His only Begotten lay buried,
bound by death’s chains in darkness and gloom.

There’s a flash and an angel from heaven
blinds the men who stand guard at the door.
He rolls back that great tombstone in triumph
for death’s chains hold the Savior no more.

Where, oh grave, where oh grave is your victory?
Where, oh death, where oh death is your sting?
He, the captive, has now become Captor,
Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords, King of Kings.

It’s Sunday, our Savior is risen.
It’s the Lord’s Day, from death WE’VE been freed.
It’s Sunday, hallelujah, He’s risen,
He is risen, He’s risen indeed!

Up from the grave He arose,
With a mighty triumph o’er His foes.
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
And He lives forever with His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah, CHRIST arose.