Posts from 2021

8 Items

By Grace Alone

by Ron Owens

As we’ll soon be closing out one year and entering another, I’m reminded again how grateful I am for God’s grace. So grateful!! “For by grace I have been saved, through faith, and that not of myself; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest I should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9, paraphrase). BY GOD’S […]


by Ron Owens

Joseph, whom God chose to be His Son’s earthly father played a most important role in God’s incredible plan. Yet very little is said about him other than he was a just, righteous, protective, courageous and obedient man, doing exactly what he was told to do on each of the four occasions he was visited […]


by Ron Owens

There’s nothing quite as final as death. We’ve all experienced this personally through the passing of a family member, friend, or even a casual acquaintance. And the passing of someone you have been close to can conjure up feelings of regret at having not been as faithful as you wish you had been in the […]

A Puritan’s Prayer of Thanksgiving

by Ron Owens

GIVER OF ALL, yet a little while I shall go to thine home and be seen no more here. Help me to gird up the loins of my mind, to quicken my step, to speed as if each moment were my last, that my life be joy, my death glory.I thank Thee for the temporal […]

The Aroma Factor in Worship

by Ron Owens

One of the most profound expressions of worship by a common person in Scripture is found in John 12: 1–8. It took place in a home in Bethany where Jesus and His disciples had been invited to eat. Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead was there, as were his sisters, Mary and Martha.We […]


by Ron Owens

Ein Feste Burg ist Unser Gott” A Mighty Fortress is Our God Who would have suspected that the sound of a hammer striking a church door in Wittenberg, Germany, 504 years ago this October 31st, would be heard around the world and ultimately lead to one of the greatest transformations of Western society since the […]


by Ron Owens

“Blessed is the man who LISTENS to me, who WATCHES daily at my gates, who WAITS beside my doors” (Proverbs 8:34). STOP, LOOK, LISTEN used to be a warning sign found at most, if not all, railroad crossing in North America. The one I remember most stood at the top of the hill above my […]

Genuine Faith

by Ron Owens

Manley Beasley says:Genuine faith is more than mental assent or an emotional experience. It is the inward response to truth that has been revealed to the heart by the Holy Spirit who quickens and makes our spirits alive.”Here are the three basic types of faith:1. The grace of faith2.The gift of faith3. The impartation of […]