Posts from 2018

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God’s Ways Are Not Our Ways

by Ron Owens

GOD’S WAYS ARE NOT OUR WAYS “For my thoughts are not your thoughts. neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). In lowly circumstances Jesus came, And few there were […]

Be an Encourager

by Ron Owens

This morning our pastor, Stephen Lowrie, preached a message titled, “The Face of Encouragement,” using the Acts’ accounts of Barnabas, “son of encouragement,” as the scripture’s example of a life given to encouraging others. He ended by suggesting that God can use the simplest of things to encourage someone, something as simple as a smile. […]

Good Friday: Man’s Darkest Hour

by Ron Owens

As our Savior inched His way through the streets of Jerusalem, blood streaming down His face, thorns piercing His head, His cross pressing into His lacerated back, the face of God, which Moses had not been able to look at and live, could no longer even be recognized as human. Every prophecy about His suffering […]

Music Matters

by Ron Owens

MUSIC MATTERS Salzburg, Austria/East Germany: January, 1984 When we crossed the border into East Germany we were not sure what to expect. It had been a long trip from Salzburg that day, and the 85 Americans, (on two busses) participants from the Salzburg “International Congress on Revival,” were getting tired. The border crossing had taken […]