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Too Late?

by Ron Owens

Lesson Nine from “The Worship Safari” (A study begun in Tanzania, E. Africa. where I was teaching on worship to a group of pastors who suggested the title, The Worship Safari) TOO LATE? We’re all different. Some of us are prone to put things off if they don’t require our immediate attention, while others like […]


by Ron Owens

DOWN DAYS For those of us who have experienced “down days,” or longer, C. H. Spurgeon, who himself lived with physical ailments and emotional challenges, including depression, has an encouraging reminder for us. “For my heart shall rejoice in him because we have trusted in his holy name?” (Psalm 33:31, KJV) The root of faith […]

A Name and a Date

by Ron Owens

You won’t read it in the secular history books or hear it on the nightly news, but judged by almost any standard, the modern missionary movement that began with William Carey’s departure to India in 1793, is the most important historical development in the last two hundred years. Stephen Neill, in his “History of Modern […]

Prayer For Our Nation

by Ron Owens

A PRAYER FOR OUR NATION “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 13:24). O Father, heal our nation, Lord, would you stay your hand? In wrath, remember mercy, please Lord, please heal our land. We know we’ve deeply grieved You, we’ve sinned and brought you shame, O Father God, […]

What If?

by Ron Owens

“What if the dead are not raised?” wrote the Apostle Paul. “Then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in […]

It’s Resurrection Sunday

by Ron Owens

IT’S RESURRECTION SUNDAY! It’s Sunday, our Savior is risen. It’s the Lord’s Day from death He’s been freed. It’s Sunday, hallelujah, He’s risen, He is risen, He’s risen indeed. Early Sunday, the great God of heaven looked down at the sealed garden tomb, where His only Begotten lay buried, bound by death’s chains in darkness […]

It’s Friday But Sunday is Coming

by Ron Owens

IT’S FRIDAY, BUT SUNDAY IS COMING Looking down from the balcony of heaven the angels watched as the body of Jesus was lowered from the cross. They saw Him wrapped in grave clothes, and they watched the small procession slowly make its way to the borrowed tomb. They heard the sobs of those who loved […]

The Stillness of a Silent Sound

by Ron Owens

THE STILLNESS OF A SILENT SOUND We live in a noisy, loud world, both audible (volume) and verbal. If not careful, our spirit can be affected and we begin to lose that inner stillness, silence, that God intends for us to experience, even in the midst of noise. This, alas, has infiltrated the church. We […]

What is Truth?

by Ron Owens

“ABSOLUTES:” Now in Question. What is Truth? The Oxford Dictionary declared “post-truth” to be its 2016 international word of the year. Definition: “Objective facts are now less influential in shaping opinions or beliefs.” This is what is now being taught in many of our institutions of higher learning. This is what is influencing many decisions […]

God’s Ways Are Not Our Ways

by Ron Owens

GOD’S WAYS ARE NOT OUR WAYS “For my thoughts are not your thoughts. neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). In lowly circumstances Jesus came, And few there were […]